6th Grade Math

September 23-27, 2024

6th Grade Regular Math

Monday-Multiplying Fractions

Homework-Multiplying Fractions-due Wednesday

Tuesday-Practice Multiplying Fractions

Wednesday-Patterns and Reciprocals

Homework-Patterns and Reciprocals-due Friday

Thursday-Dividing Fractions part 1

Friday-Dividing Fractions part 2


6th Grade Advanced Math

Monday-Dividing Fractions 1 and 2

Homework Finish Multiplying Fractions and Dividing Fractions-Due Wednesday

Tuesday-Dividing Fractions Application

Wednesday-Dividing Fractions Task Cards

Homework-Unit 2 Review-Due by Monday-We will go over the review on Monday and test on Tuesday. Get the review signed for bonus points on the test.

Thursday-Quiz on Fraction operations.

Friday-Positive Rational numbers bingo

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Week of September 2-6, 2024


Tuesday-We will learn about absolute value of numbers. We will begin the Unit 1 review.

HOMEWORK: Unit 1 Review-Due Wednesday!!

Wednesday-We will go over the Unit 1 review and answer any questions over unit 1.

Thursday-***Unit 1 TEST***

Friday-We will begin Unit 2 which is Positive Rational Numbers. We will begin with an activity to review adding and subtracting with decimals.

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Week of August 26-August 30, 2024

I thought we had a great first full week last week! Most students did a great job getting their homework turned in. I will have 2 to 3 grades posted in skyward by the end of the day so you can see how your child is doing so far.

Both Regular and Advanced Classes:

Monday-Ordering Rational Numbers-We have been working on comparing and ordering Integers, Decimals, and Fractions (by changing them to decimals). We will learn about percents so we can compare and order integers, decimals, fractions, and percents. Numbers should be in the same form to compare them.

HOMEWORK-Given on Monday. Due on Wednesday. We are still doing a review of 5th grade for homework. Skill Builders 9 and 10.

Tuesday-Task Cards with comparing rational numbers.

Wednesday-Classifying Rational Numbers.

HOMEWORK-Monday’s homework is DUE. New homework given on Wednesday. Due on Friday. Skill Builders 13 and 14.

Thursday-Activity with classifying Rational Numbers

FridayQuiz over comparing, ordering, and classifying Rational numbers.

HOMEWORK-Wednesday’s homework is DUE!

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Week of August 19-23, 2024

I thought the first three days were really good! I am already enjoying getting to know each of the 6th graders! I’m working really hard at trying to remember all 120 names!

Regular Math (1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 7th periods)

Monday-We will work on some organization with our binders. The binders will hold all of our notes and practice problems and pretty much everything we do in math class. I will introduce Skill builders. These are pages that will spiral and work on a lot of skill throughout the year. We are actually starting with 5th grade skill builders as a review and then in a few weeks, we will start on the 6th grade skill builders. HOMEWORK: Skill Builders 1 and 2 are due by Wednesday!

Tuesday-We will take notes and practice Integers on the Number Line. REMINDER: HOMEWORK is DUE tomorrow!

Wednesday-We will take notes and practice Comparing and Ordering Decimals. Skills builders 1 and 2 are due. HOMEWORK: Skill builders 5 and 6 are due by Friday!

Thursday-We will take notes and practice Comparing and Ordering Fractions.

Friday-We will practice Ordering Rational Numbers.



Advanced Math (4th, 6th, and 8th periods)

Monday-We will work on some organization with our binders. The binders will hold all of our notes and practice problems and pretty much everything we do in math class. I will introduce Skill builders. These are pages that will spiral and work on a lot of skill throughout the year. We are actually starting with 5th grade skill builders as a review and then in a few weeks, we will start on the 6th grade skill builders. Advanced math with also work towards the 7th grade skill builders.  HOMEWORK: Skill Builders 1 and 2 are due by Wednesday!

Tuesday-We will take notes and practice Integers on the Number Line. REMINDER: HOMEWORK is DUE tomorrow!

Wednesday-We will take notes and practice Comparing and Ordering Decimals. Skills builders 1 and 2 are due. HOMEWORK: Skill builders 5 and 6 are due by Friday!

Thursday-We will take notes and practice Comparing and Ordering Fractions. HOMEWORK is due tomorrow!

Friday-We will practice Ordering Rational Numbers.



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April 15-19, 2024

I can not believe it is time to review for the STAAR test! This school year has FLOWN by! For the next two weeks, we will try to cover a little bit of everything we have learned this year in math. If at all possible, please try not to be absent while we are going through the review. If you must be absent, come see me before school the next morning.

Each day we are working through an activity. You have an opportunity to earn 10 points a day towards a test grade.

Monday-6.2ABCD, 6.11A-Numerical Representations Stations

Tuesday-6.3ABCDE-Rational Number Operations-Spin to Ten

Wednesday-6.4BCDEGH, 6.5A-Proportionality He said She said

Thursday-6.5BC, 6.4EF-Percents Scavenger Hunt

Friday-6.6ABC, 6.4A-Alegbraic Representation Four Corners

Math STAAR is on Tuesday, April 30!

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March 18-22, 2024

Welcome back from a week off! Hope each of you has a great break! We are quickly wrapping up this school year. The math STAAR test will be on April 30. That gives us about 5 weeks to finish learning and then reviewing before then. I need each one of you to give me 100% attention and focus so we can finish strong.

This week we will begin with a warm up, using STAAR type questions. This week during the warmup, we will focus on comparing and ordering rational numbers. (TEKS 6.2ABCDE)

Monday-6.8A, 6.10A-Beginning unit on Geometry. We will learn about angle relationships and triangles. Angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees.

Tuesday-6.8A, 6.10A-We will learn about the side lengths of triangles. The sum of two sides must be greater than the third size.

Wednesday-6.8BCD, 6.10A-Area of rectangles and parallelograms. A=bh (A=lw)

Thursday-6.8BCD, 6.10A-Area of triangles and trapezoids. A=1/2 bh (triangle) A=1/2(b1+b2)h (trapezoid)

Friday-6.8ABCD, 6.10A-Quiz on Angles and Area

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September 11-15

Monday-6.2ABCD-We will begin our review of Numerical Representations. In class, we will work questions, 1, 5, 10, 15, 19, and 23 together. Students will continue working on all even questions on the Unit Study Guide in class and for homework. Come to class on Tuesday prepared with any questions from the study guide.

Tuesday-6.2ABCD-We will work on any problems that students struggled with from the study guide. Students will complete the even questions for homework. Come to my room at 7:30 on Wednesday if you have any questions from the even questions.

Wednesday-6.2ABCD-Students will take a test on Unit One–Numerical Representations

Thursday-5.3K (Adding and subtracting positive rational numbers)-(Review from 5th Grade) Notes on adding and subtracting decimals. Homework: Must do #1-5, 8; Can do #6-7 also.

Friday-5.3K (Adding and subtracting positive rational numbers)-(Review from 5th Grade) Scavenger Hunt to practice adding and subtracting decimals.

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September 4-8, 2023

Monday-NO SCHOOL- Labor Day

Tuesday-Review for quiz-6.2AC-We will practice a few more problems with comparing and ordering rational numbers to prepare for the quiz on Wednesday. Finish any work from Lesson 5.

Wednesday-Quiz on Ordering Rational Numbers/6.2AC/Students will show what they have learned on a quiz on ordering rational numbers.

Thursday-Absolute Value-6.2B-We will take notes on absolute value. Students will have homework if it is not completed in class. Homework is due on Friday.

Friday-Activity on Absolute Value-6.2B-On google classroom, complete the activity on Absolute Value.


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Week of August 28-September 1

I think we are off to a great start! Most students are following expectations and getting their work completed. Please encourage your child to make sure they are paying attention and not distracting themselves or others from learning all they need to learn. Also, ask if they have homework. If they are with me early in the day, it is a long time to remember if they have homework. Thank you for all you do to help make your child successful at school and therefore, in life!

Monday: Ordering Rational Numbers/6.2C/We will take notes and work practice problems together on ordering rational numbers. Students will have homework if they don’t complete the homework page in class.

Tuesday: Comparing Rational Numbers/6.2C/Task Cards-Students will work with a partner to answer questions on task cards, comparing rational numbers. No homework

Wednesday: Ordering Rational Numbers/6.2C/Task Cards-Students will work with a partner to answer questions on task cards, ordering rational numbers. No homework

Thursday: Classifying Rational Numbers/ 6.2A/We will take notes on classifying rational numbers. Students will then do a color by number based on whether the number is a whole number, integer, or a rational number. The color by number is due by Tuesday, September 5 if not completed. Students WILL also have homework on classifying rational numbers which is due tomorrow, Friday, Sept. 1.

Friday: Quiz on Ordering Rational Numbers/6.2AC/Students will show what they have learned on a quiz on ordering rational numbers.



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Week of August 21-25

6th grade math

Week 2 of school! I am looking forward to jumping into teaching all the math concepts your child will learn in 6th grade math. Homework will be as needed. Students will have opportunities to work on homework in class. If they don’t finish, they will need to take it home and finish by the next school day. It is the responsibility of each student to know whether or not they finished in class and therefore have homework.


Monday: Integers on a number line/6.2C/We will take notes and work practice problems together dealing with integers on a number line. Students will have homework if they don’t complete the homework page in class.

Tuesday: Comparing and Ordering Decimals/6.2C/We will take notes and work practice problems together comparing and ordering decimals. Students will have homework if they don’t complete the homework page in class.

Wednesday: Comparing and Ordering Fractions/6.2C/We will take notes and work practice problems together on comparing and ordering fractions.

Thursday: Ordering Rational Numbers/6.2C/We will take notes and work practice problems together on ordering rational numbers. Students will have homework if they don’t complete the homework page in class.

Friday: Comparing Rational Numbers/6.2C/Task Cards-Students will work with a partner to answer questions on task cards, comparing rational numbers. No homework

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