6th Grade Math

August 14-16, 2024

on August 13, 2024

WOW! What an amazing turnout last night for Meet the Teacher! I had 96 of you stop by and sign in!

A little information for this week and really every day: Students will gather around the fish pond in the mornings when they get to school. When tutorials start, at 7:30, students can go to classes to get extra help or work on assignments. The first bell rings at 7:50, which is when they will head to first period. We will get their supplies organized this week. The first few days of school, the students will meet together to walk over to the gyms for pre-Athletics. We will make sure the students know where to go for this and all classes.

For Math this week: I teach both regular and advanced math for 6th graders. Some times we are doing the same things and other times they will be working on different objectives.

Both Regular and Adavnced:

Wednesday-Organize supplies. Talk about expectations and get to know each other.

Thursday-Continue organizing and a back to school activity.

Friday-Activity reviewing adding and subtracting decimals.


I am looking forward to a fantastic year! Can’t wait to see each of you tomorrow!


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