6th Grade Math

Week of September 2-6, 2024


Tuesday-We will learn about absolute value of numbers. We will begin the Unit 1 review.

HOMEWORK: Unit 1 Review-Due Wednesday!!

Wednesday-We will go over the Unit 1 review and answer any questions over unit 1.

Thursday-***Unit 1 TEST***

Friday-We will begin Unit 2 which is Positive Rational Numbers. We will begin with an activity to review adding and subtracting with decimals.

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Week of August 26-August 30, 2024

I thought we had a great first full week last week! Most students did a great job getting their homework turned in. I will have 2 to 3 grades posted in skyward by the end of the day so you can see how your child is doing so far.

Both Regular and Advanced Classes:

Monday-Ordering Rational Numbers-We have been working on comparing and ordering Integers, Decimals, and Fractions (by changing them to decimals). We will learn about percents so we can compare and order integers, decimals, fractions, and percents. Numbers should be in the same form to compare them.

HOMEWORK-Given on Monday. Due on Wednesday. We are still doing a review of 5th grade for homework. Skill Builders 9 and 10.

Tuesday-Task Cards with comparing rational numbers.

Wednesday-Classifying Rational Numbers.

HOMEWORK-Monday’s homework is DUE. New homework given on Wednesday. Due on Friday. Skill Builders 13 and 14.

Thursday-Activity with classifying Rational Numbers

FridayQuiz over comparing, ordering, and classifying Rational numbers.

HOMEWORK-Wednesday’s homework is DUE!

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6th graders should be coming home with homework twice a week right now. Their homework is reviewing 5th grade skills. They get the homework on Monday to be turned in by Wednesday and on Wednesday to be turned in by Friday.  Most students turned in their homework today but I do have a few who have not completed or turned in their homework from Monday and today they are getting another homework. We do not want anyone getting behind. Please check with your child to see if they have finished and turned in their math homework. Also, they might have finished their work at school during enrichment or study hall.


Thank you for working with me to ensure the success of your child.

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Week of August 19-23, 2024

I thought the first three days were really good! I am already enjoying getting to know each of the 6th graders! I’m working really hard at trying to remember all 120 names!

Regular Math (1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 7th periods)

Monday-We will work on some organization with our binders. The binders will hold all of our notes and practice problems and pretty much everything we do in math class. I will introduce Skill builders. These are pages that will spiral and work on a lot of skill throughout the year. We are actually starting with 5th grade skill builders as a review and then in a few weeks, we will start on the 6th grade skill builders. HOMEWORK: Skill Builders 1 and 2 are due by Wednesday!

Tuesday-We will take notes and practice Integers on the Number Line. REMINDER: HOMEWORK is DUE tomorrow!

Wednesday-We will take notes and practice Comparing and Ordering Decimals. Skills builders 1 and 2 are due. HOMEWORK: Skill builders 5 and 6 are due by Friday!

Thursday-We will take notes and practice Comparing and Ordering Fractions.

Friday-We will practice Ordering Rational Numbers.



Advanced Math (4th, 6th, and 8th periods)

Monday-We will work on some organization with our binders. The binders will hold all of our notes and practice problems and pretty much everything we do in math class. I will introduce Skill builders. These are pages that will spiral and work on a lot of skill throughout the year. We are actually starting with 5th grade skill builders as a review and then in a few weeks, we will start on the 6th grade skill builders. Advanced math with also work towards the 7th grade skill builders.  HOMEWORK: Skill Builders 1 and 2 are due by Wednesday!

Tuesday-We will take notes and practice Integers on the Number Line. REMINDER: HOMEWORK is DUE tomorrow!

Wednesday-We will take notes and practice Comparing and Ordering Decimals. Skills builders 1 and 2 are due. HOMEWORK: Skill builders 5 and 6 are due by Friday!

Thursday-We will take notes and practice Comparing and Ordering Fractions. HOMEWORK is due tomorrow!

Friday-We will practice Ordering Rational Numbers.



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August 14-16, 2024

WOW! What an amazing turnout last night for Meet the Teacher! I had 96 of you stop by and sign in!

A little information for this week and really every day: Students will gather around the fish pond in the mornings when they get to school. When tutorials start, at 7:30, students can go to classes to get extra help or work on assignments. The first bell rings at 7:50, which is when they will head to first period. We will get their supplies organized this week. The first few days of school, the students will meet together to walk over to the gyms for pre-Athletics. We will make sure the students know where to go for this and all classes.

For Math this week: I teach both regular and advanced math for 6th graders. Some times we are doing the same things and other times they will be working on different objectives.

Both Regular and Adavnced:

Wednesday-Organize supplies. Talk about expectations and get to know each other.

Thursday-Continue organizing and a back to school activity.

Friday-Activity reviewing adding and subtracting decimals.


I am looking forward to a fantastic year! Can’t wait to see each of you tomorrow!


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Back to School 2024

Welcome back to school! I am so excited to get a new school year underway! This year I will be teaching 6th grade math and 6th grade advanced math. This is my 17th year teaching and my 10th year at White Oak, although it is only my 2nd year back at White Oak after being away for about 15 years. My husband and I have three kids who all attend White Oak. They are in 7th, 9th, and 11th grade. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any concerns or questions.

Below is a copy of the 6th grade math grading policy and expectations:

6th Grade Math Grading Policy/Expectations

 Dear Parent/Guardian:

 I welcome your child to 6th grade and anticipate a great school year! 

WOMS strives to provide our students with a solid educational foundation.  You can expect a variety of instructional techniques and strategies to be used in our classroom throughout the year.  These include, but are not limited to, cooperative activities, direct instruction, project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, discussion, student-directed learning and integration of technology in the classroom.  

The following is expected of your student:

  • Come to class with a positive attitude and open mind. 
  • Come to class prepared to learn with all necessary supplies.
  • Positively contribute to the learning environment.
  • Respect the contributions of others to the learning environment.
  • Participate in collaboration with peers.
  • Participate in classroom presentations.
  • Participate in classroom discussions.
  • All assignments should be complete, neat, and on time. 
  • Attend tutoring when necessary.
  • Never be afraid to ask questions. There is NO shame in wanting to understand or know more about what we are learning! 

 Your child’s grade will be averaged from tests, quizzes, and daily work.  Tests will count 40%, quizzes will count 20%, and daily work will count the other 40%.  Quizzes will be given one or more times per week, and tests will be given in the middle and/or end of a unit. Other forms of assessment including projects and collaborative activities can be expected as well. 

If you have not already done so, please be sure to familiarize yourself with the WOMS website at www.woisd.net .  

In order to receive weekly updates of lesson plans you must subscribe to teacher blogs. Valuable information is posted on a weekly basis.   Directions for subscribing to my blog:

  • Go to wilsonc.wonecks.net 
  • Enter your email in the “Subscribe by Email” box.

There will not be a paper textbook checked out to your child, as we do not use a textbook, however, I can assure you that your child will have the resources, tutoring time, and help available should he/she need it.  We will keep a binder with all of our daily notes and practice problems. This binder will serve as a ‘textbook’ with examples, cheatsheets, formula charts, etc. Your child can also email me anytime for homework assistance. 

If your child has to miss my class for any reason, it will be their responsibility to come to see me before school or during enrichment (when they can). I will try to get the notes posted to google classroom daily. Another good resource to see what they missed or what we will be doing is the blog. I put my lesson plans on the blog before Monday each week. As much as I try to stay with the plans on the blog, there are chances that we could be off by a day or two. I will try to update if we get off schedule.

If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  Also, feel free to share any comments regarding your child that you feel would be beneficial to me as I work with your student this year.  I look forward to an amazing year with your child!


Catherine Wilson – WOMS 

6th Grade Math/6th Advanced Math

UIL Number Sense


[email protected]

6th grade Math blog: wilsonc.wonecks.net

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