Monday-6.5B-We will work problems, learning how to set up proportions with percents. We are either looking for the part, whole, or percent.
All of our problems we are setting up follow this percentage proportion.
Tuesday-6.5B-We will continue working problem with percentage proportions. (Some student will be gone for UIL. If you are missing Tuesday, you need to come before school to work with me)
Wednesday-6.5B-Scavenger hunt involving percents with proportions. I will be going with the group to Sabine for UIL competition. (Some student will be gone for UIL. If you are missing Tuesday, you need to come before school to work with me)
Thursday-6.5B-We will work some more problems with percents and proportions, making sure everyone is understanding how to work and set up the proportions. We will hopefully have time to finish up any work not completed from Tuesday and Wednesday.
Friday-6.4EFG, 6.5BC- We will begin working on the Unit 5 review. Test will be on Tuesday.