Monday-6.2ABCD-We will begin our review of Numerical Representations. In class, we will work questions, 1, 5, 10, 15, 19, and 23 together. Students will continue working on all even questions on the Unit Study Guide in class and for homework. Come to class on Tuesday prepared with any questions from the study guide.
Tuesday-6.2ABCD-We will work on any problems that students struggled with from the study guide. Students will complete the even questions for homework. Come to my room at 7:30 on Wednesday if you have any questions from the even questions.
Wednesday-6.2ABCD-Students will take a test on Unit One–Numerical Representations
Thursday-5.3K (Adding and subtracting positive rational numbers)-(Review from 5th Grade) Notes on adding and subtracting decimals. Homework: Must do #1-5, 8; Can do #6-7 also.
Friday-5.3K (Adding and subtracting positive rational numbers)-(Review from 5th Grade) Scavenger Hunt to practice adding and subtracting decimals.