I think we are off to a great start! Most students are following expectations and getting their work completed. Please encourage your child to make sure they are paying attention and not distracting themselves or others from learning all they need to learn. Also, ask if they have homework. If they are with me early in the day, it is a long time to remember if they have homework. Thank you for all you do to help make your child successful at school and therefore, in life!
Monday: Ordering Rational Numbers/6.2C/We will take notes and work practice problems together on ordering rational numbers. Students will have homework if they don’t complete the homework page in class.
Tuesday: Comparing Rational Numbers/6.2C/Task Cards-Students will work with a partner to answer questions on task cards, comparing rational numbers. No homework
Wednesday: Ordering Rational Numbers/6.2C/Task Cards-Students will work with a partner to answer questions on task cards, ordering rational numbers. No homework
Thursday: Classifying Rational Numbers/ 6.2A/We will take notes on classifying rational numbers. Students will then do a color by number based on whether the number is a whole number, integer, or a rational number. The color by number is due by Tuesday, September 5 if not completed. Students WILL also have homework on classifying rational numbers which is due tomorrow, Friday, Sept. 1.
Friday: Quiz on Ordering Rational Numbers/6.2AC/Students will show what they have learned on a quiz on ordering rational numbers.