I can not believe it is time to review for the STAAR test! This school year has FLOWN by! For the next two weeks, we will try to cover a little bit of everything we have learned this year in math. If at all possible, please try not to be absent while we are going through the review. If you must be absent, come see me before school the next morning.
Each day we are working through an activity. You have an opportunity to earn 10 points a day towards a test grade.
Monday-6.2ABCD, 6.11A-Numerical Representations Stations
Tuesday-6.3ABCDE-Rational Number Operations-Spin to Ten
Wednesday-6.4BCDEGH, 6.5A-Proportionality He said She said
Thursday-6.5BC, 6.4EF-Percents Scavenger Hunt
Friday-6.6ABC, 6.4A-Alegbraic Representation Four Corners
Math STAAR is on Tuesday, April 30!