6th Grade Math

September 16-20, 2024

Regular 6th grade Math

Monday-No School-enjoy your day off!

Tuesday-We will review dividing whole numbers (5th grade skill).

Wednesday-We will learn about dividing with decimals in our dividend.

**Homework-Dividing Decimals-Due by Friday**

Thursday-We will learn how to divide when you have a decimal number for the divisor.

Friday-We will take a Quiz on decimal operations. (adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing)


Advanced 6th grade Math (Includes some 7th grade math)

Monday-No school-enjoy your day off!

Tuesday-We will finish the Decimal Operations Performance Task on google Classroom.

Wednesday-we will add and subtract fractions. This is a review from 5th grade and a 7th grade TEKS.

**Homework-Adding and Subtracting Fractions-Due by Friday**

Thursday-We will learn about multiplying fractions

Friday-We will learn about dividing with fractions.


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Week of September 9-13, 2024 HOMECOMING WEEK!

Happy Homecoming Week! We have dress up days all week! And although we have some fun days, we still have regular classes this week.

Homecoming Dress Up days:

Monday: Color Wars-6th graders wear Green

Tuesday: College/Career Day

Wednesday:Duo Day

Thursday: Anything but a backpack

Friday: School Spirit

Regular Math Classes (First, Second, Third, and Seventh Periods)

Monday-We will spend class time reteaching and correcting Unit 1 test.  Homework: 5th grade review Skill Builders #17&18. Homework is due on Wednesday.

Tuesday-Adding and Subtracting Decimals.

Wednesday-Multiplying Decimals.  Homework: 5th grade review Skill Builders 21&22. Homework is due on Friday.

Thursday-Dividing whole numbers.

Friday-We will have an alternative schedule due to the early pep rally. This will be a day to practice what we have learned this week or to catch up on any assignments not completed.

Advanced Math Classes (Fourth, Sixth, and Eighth Periods)

If you would like to correct your Unit 1 test, you will need to come to my room in the mornings at 7:30 to work on corrections.

Monday-Dividing Decimals. Homework: 5th grade review Skill Builders #17&18. Homework is due on Wednesday.

Tuesday-Dividing by decimals.

Wednesday-Performance Task on google classroom practicing decimal operations. Homework: 5th grade review Skill Builders 21&22. Homework is due on Friday.

Thursday-Decimal Operations Quiz

Friday-We will have an alternative schedule due to the early pep rally. This will be a day to practice what we have learned this week or to catch up on any assignments not completed.


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