6th Grade Math

Week of August 26-August 30, 2024

on August 25, 2024

I thought we had a great first full week last week! Most students did a great job getting their homework turned in. I will have 2 to 3 grades posted in skyward by the end of the day so you can see how your child is doing so far.

Both Regular and Advanced Classes:

Monday-Ordering Rational Numbers-We have been working on comparing and ordering Integers, Decimals, and Fractions (by changing them to decimals). We will learn about percents so we can compare and order integers, decimals, fractions, and percents. Numbers should be in the same form to compare them.

HOMEWORK-Given on Monday. Due on Wednesday. We are still doing a review of 5th grade for homework. Skill Builders 9 and 10.

Tuesday-Task Cards with comparing rational numbers.

Wednesday-Classifying Rational Numbers.

HOMEWORK-Monday’s homework is DUE. New homework given on Wednesday. Due on Friday. Skill Builders 13 and 14.

Thursday-Activity with classifying Rational Numbers

FridayQuiz over comparing, ordering, and classifying Rational numbers.

HOMEWORK-Wednesday’s homework is DUE!

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