Monday- 6.3CD-We will continue learning how to multiply and divide with integers. We will take notes and have individual practice. If not finished in class, it will need to be finished for homework to be turned in tomorrow.
Tuesday-6.3CD-Unit 3 Review. Students will have time to work on the review in class.
Wednesday-6.4CD- Unit 3 Test. This test is over adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers (positive and negative whole numbers).
Thursday-6.4E-Begin Unit 4. Ratios and Rates. Lesson 1 Introduction to ratios. We will take notes and practice ratios. If not finished in class, it will need to be finished for homework to be turned in tomorrow.
Friday-6.4D-Lesson 2 Ratios as comparisons. We will take note and learn about how to use ratios as comparisons.
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